Start budgeting finances to attain financial freedom. Acquire a sufficient amount of money and allow that money to earn interest. The income from the passive income will sustain the chosen lifestyle. Use the interest to live a meaningful life.
If you desire a higher lifestyle, increase the passive income. Add more to your savings which can earn interest. Specially, diversify the income stream by adding more pipelines to your investment or business.
The word is budgeting to attain freedom. If you will notice, some of the expenses spoiled were unnecessary. Rather than spoiling our resources, place it in a basket that can earn profit. We will splurge at the right time.
For the meantime, delay the gratification. Do not place the hard earned money into luxuries. Luxuries can wait. Grab the opportunity while you are young and can earn good income. Eventually, retire young and use the passive income to live the chosen lifestyle.
While in the journey to freedom, balance the work, family, love ones and social life. We must work smart and wise by doing the job at the given stipulated time because work will be the same tomorrow. It is an endless cycle that must come to an end.
Life is wonderful if you choose it to be that way. Working so hard and extending office hours will result in a meaningless life because the time for the family, love ones and social life will be sacrificed.
Especially, in the employment phase, you need to work smart and escape the endless routine as young as possible. The officemates and boss will not save you from personal challenges. Maybe some of us are lucky to have good friends in our workplace. Keep them and help them escape the endless routine.
We are not born to be machines. If you fall, stand up and learn from it. We should take good care of our family, love ones and social life because they are the reason on why you are living a wonderful life. Live a quality life. We only have one shot in a lifetime and make the most out of it.
When do you plan to have a vacation? When you complain about the back pains? When do you plan to go shopping? When you get tired easily? When do you plan to have fun? At age 60?
Retire young and rich. Budgeting finances will lead to prosperity. Work hard for the moment and save money. Have the plan with you to escape the endless routine of working. Life is meant to be happy.
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