The supreme financial advice for your hard-earned money that you got from the employment job or business is you need to take a portion of your income to compensate yourself first by saving it for your future needs.
Your hard-earned money is highly recommended to be placed on building our passive income. Get rid of the notion that when payday comes, we tend to splurge it for our wants and nothing left in our savings. In the meantime, we may substitute our enjoyment in a much affordable one.
We need to sacrifice first to build our passive income. That passive income can sustain our luxury in life. Bear in mind that we need to save first before spending. Allot a portion for the expenses and savings. We can free ourselves financially if we just know how to budget our finances correctly.
Definitely, you can purchase stuffs for yourself or go to a vacation but you need to limit it. Not to the point that you will have to loan for your expenses.
It will depend upon yourself on how you define expenses but it is easily expressed that if it is beyond your basic needs, it could be an expense.
Basic needs are food, shelter and clothing. Limit your wants. It is acceptable to satisfy your wants at the right time. Let us focus first in your needs then we satisfy your wants.
Saving your money for future needs is a must. What are your future needs? Is it education for your children? Maybe shelter for your family? Future needs are needs that will happen whether you want it or not.
Like, education for your children, hospitalization for emergency, food for your love ones, shelter for your family and retirement because there will come to a point that you might stop earning from your employment job and we need to prepare for it by saving now.
You are paying yourself by saving money for your future. Have you ever wondered that you are working hard for the money? Come to think of it, it is only an object. We have talents that we can go beyond our potential. Why not the money works for us?
The financial advice on saving will begin in letting your money work for you by putting it into a basket that will earn interest.
If you already have a huge amount of money that you saved, then put it into a portfolio that can earn interest with the purpose of sustaining your desired lifestyle.
from Financial Advice to Financial Planning
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