The formula to prosperity is avoiding debt in the system. Why do we borrow money? It is simply because we do not have extra money for our wants. Or maybe, you have more than enough but want to have more?
Please reflect on yourself first and let us analyze the income stream and the expense.
What are the sources of your income? Is it from employment, business or investment? If you think that you’re earning big but still in debt then we have a problem in our spending habits.
Maybe, we allotted a huge amount in the unnecessary expenses. Those expenses were spending that you can live without buying it. Go back and track on where your money is usually spent.
For sure, it will appear on the report that some expenses were not needed. Organize your spending habits. Remember to save money. We can splurge on the right time. The time of earning passive income is the moment of splurging.
Still, make a good habit of living within the income capacity. If we go beyond the income stream, debt will arise. Control yourself to live life within a certain budget. Be happy at what you have and more good things will come.
Have an estimate of the income capacity on a yearly, monthly and daily basis. Work on that certain budget. Set a lifestyle within the allocated resources. Always have a portion of the savings first.
A good start of savings is 20% of the income stream. As you get along the way, the higher percentage is better.
Basically, the active income or the income from employment is allotted for the daily needs, savings and reasonable amount for recreation.
We all need a break.
A simple and affordable way to relax will do. Maybe, have a dinner date, cup of coffee or watch a movie. It is your prerogative to spend the resources wisely.
Eventually, the savings will be huge. That moment is the time for investing and setting up a business to create more income stream. Life is meant to be wonderful. Why settle for a day job rather than exploring the world or your inner-self? Go after the bliss.
We can reach freedom if you will follow the formula to prosperity which is avoiding debt. This obligation is an excess baggage in our journey. Put it away. How? Do not borrow money. Work on the certain budget. Prioritize the spending habits. Still, if the income stream cannot sustain the chosen lifestyle, then find other ways to increase the source of income.
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